Welcome to Indus Webpro

Refund Policy

Designing Projects

Payments for custom designing projects are made to us in increments as a courtesy, respect, and consideration to the client. Once a payment is made, it is simply non-refundable. If any project is postponed or cancelled, all the amount paid are retained by Indus Webpro and if applicable, a payment for all work completed beyond what was already paid for shall be paid by the client.

Development Work

Payments for custom designing projects are made to us in increments as a courtesy, respect, and consideration to the client. Once a payment is made, it is simply non-refundable. If any project is postponed or cancelled, all the amount paid are retained by Indus Webpro and if applicable, a payment for all work completed beyond what was already paid for shall be paid by the client.


If we receive payment or any type of chargeback dispute from a bank or credit card company, your service or/and project will be suspended without any prior notice. A chargeback fees (if applicable) or along with any outstanding balances collected as a result of chargeback must be paid in full before files delivered, your service is restored or any further work is done. Once the payment is done, no refund is possible after 7 days. If a client wants to raise a refund request, it should be within 7 days of the payment. Indus Webpro reserves the right to disable and/or terminate the account of the user if he/she is found in violation of the terms. Accounts cancelled/suspended due to violations of the policy will not be refunded.

Change in policy:

Indus Webpro can change this policy from time to time without any prior notice at any time. We request you to review this policy periodically. If any changes occur in our policy then our existing, as well as new client’s, will be agreed with our new policy.

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